We didn’t use any size 5 diapers with Haiden, and we ended Piper’s diaper use while she was still in size 4s. Size 5 and 6: 0-5 jumbo packs, or as needed.In fact, sometimes they’re better at containing those messy early diaper disasters! In my experience, size one diapers my look big on a tiny baby but they usually don’t leak. Take the extra newborn diapers from the hospital. Recommended Number of Diapers per Size to Stockpile:

If you’re in doubt, buy more of those! See below for are my personal recommendations on diaper sizes. Generally, most babies spend the longest amount of time in size 2s and 3s. This is different for everyone, and it definitely varies with the baby.
I know I’m lucky, and not everyone has that much free space.
I literally had a full set of shelving in my basement dedicated to storing diapers and wipes. If you’re ready to clip coupons and shop around, the last thing holding you back may be your storage space.

It’s much easier to look at the weekly diaper deals and figure out your cost per diaper if you have an idea of how many diapers are in each pack. Learn how many diapers are in each pack.Even the most inexperienced bargain shopper can get diapers for this price almost any day of the week if you shop carefully. I do recommend that you never pay more than $.22 per diaper, period. If you don’t like coupon shopping or if you don’t live in an area flush with drugstores (and the accompanying diaper deals), you might want to set your maximum price a bit higher. I think that dedicated coupon shoppers can still achieve this if you have several drugstores in your area and time before baby comes. Figure out your maximum “price per diaper.” When I was diaper shopping starting three years ago, my max price for diaper was $.10 each.Then follow me on Pinterest! Here are some basic diaper stockpiling guidelines to help you in the process: If you like this post please pin it on Pinterest or repin it. I do, however, understand that I can provide some guidance and then let you make the final decision on what you’d like to buy. I’ve been hesitant to answer this question for a long time because every baby grows differently and has different diaper needs. I get asked this question a lot: How many diapers should I stockpile for my unborn baby?